Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My art cat

 I did shapes to do my art of a cat  then I went to a pant  button  and  it was a pant button and i clicked on the button and it comes up with colours and you  click a colour and it puts the colour were  you want it to goes on it  for you so you don't have  to colour by mouse the mouse can do staff for you.

Monday, July 5, 2021

People having pets and people do not have pets.

We had to writ about people having pets and no pets.

 My story: I think that everyone should have a pet because they  are cute  and give hugs and  they are cute too.Pets need to be onwed so they can grow up and pet make owns happy is well.Pets need to live so they do not die.If people had pets  they need to look after the pets so they pets because  they could run away.People   should not have pets because  people do not like pets  and pets make  near  to people  but people do not be mean but  they do not want the  at all.