Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021


Uploading: 17941 of 17941 bytes uploaded.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

my atmosphere






Monday, November 8, 2021

rocked task


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

my math I did today

 my Maths I did today 

Friday, September 24, 2021


 Dear Nana  and Pop.

I have been learning about maths this week and maths  is so hard sometimes to do. sometimes maths can be easy and sometimes not easy. sometimes you do it all in one day. sometimes you can do it all in two days if there is a lot of maths.I am proud that I am doing my tasks on my computer that has all of my work. And I went on a walk and got some pine cones too.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Friday, August 13, 2021

My space story

 I  learned that I could do space story.

I enjoy writing and it is fun.

Have you made a space story?


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

cross country

 In cross country i was running i came first in cross country because i was so fast at running and I  was leading the whole way from the start and to the finish line and my mum was watching  me do the running.on my cross country day my dad was watching me a bit of the cross country and my sister,my mum and dad  was were watching  both of us  doing cross country.When I saw the gate I knew I was close to the finish line. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My art cat

 I did shapes to do my art of a cat  then I went to a pant  button  and  it was a pant button and i clicked on the button and it comes up with colours and you  click a colour and it puts the colour were  you want it to goes on it  for you so you don't have  to colour by mouse the mouse can do staff for you.

Monday, July 5, 2021

People having pets and people do not have pets.

We had to writ about people having pets and no pets.

 My story: I think that everyone should have a pet because they  are cute  and give hugs and  they are cute too.Pets need to be onwed so they can grow up and pet make owns happy is well.Pets need to live so they do not die.If people had pets  they need to look after the pets so they pets because  they could run away.People   should not have pets because  people do not like pets  and pets make  near  to people  but people do not be mean but  they do not want the  at all. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Rangoli Pattern


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

There was a pilot that was driving around the world

 My story: The  plane is going around the world  with  the pilots family is in the plane.One day the plane  broke down and the plane full to earth on a trampoline  but when the plane landed the pilot  fulled the plane up the plane with gas in  the morning.the plane was in the sky because the pilot is in the plane at 6:00   in the morning time when his family was in bed.when the pilot  was in the plane. The family  are  awake  because they heard the car  going onto the road.The  family went in the mum's car in the garga and they got dressed then they  got in the car to go to the Airport to go see the dad. They  got to the airport to get onto the plane to see the dad on the plane to take around the on the plane.When the family got on the plane to take off  to  a different county it was mash.The plane landed at the the south Island to stay for a week It has been a week and they have got  back to the airport  and then they got in the car and  got on  the   road to go home and see they pets.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

My fun art portrait.

 I have been learning about what an Identity is for our new Term Two topic. I used a pen and a crayon to do my art.

I liked my art because it was fun.